Fédération de Squash Luxembourgeoise

Junior Squash: Communities Cup Sensation

November 20th, 2011, the Communities Cup was held at TopSquash.

With more than 30 juniors from all over Luxembourg competing in the tournament the “Cup” was deemed a huge success by everyone. From new-comers to more established players, titanic battles between players ensued across the board and resulted in a brilliant competition.

Eventual winners:

Boys Open: Arnaud Masset;

Girls Open: Samira Caruana

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Junior Squash Luxembourg

Le premier Open de Luxembourg Junior de Squash (LJO)

Pour la toute première fois dans l’histoire du squash au Luxembourg, le pays est fier d’accueillir le “Junior Squash Open”. Ce tournoi international prestigieux qui se tiendra à Top Squash à Sandweiler les 27, 28 & 29 mai 2011, fera dorénavant partie intégrale chaque année des compétitions juniors, sous l’auspice de la Fédération Européenne de Squash.

L’équipe nationale de juniors (U19) participera à cet évenement aux côtés des joueurs les plus talentueux du monde.

“Junior Squash Luxembourg”

Le squash pour les juniors est en croissance au Luxembourg et ce tournoi permettra de faire connaître ce sport et offrira en même temps une plateforme pour démontrer les compétences d’élites de nos joueurs.

L’équipe nationale représente le pays régulièrement dans de nombreux tournois en Europe et obtient des résultats impressionants.

Faites partie de l’équipe !

Junior Squash Luxembourg est à la recherche de personnes pour soutenir cet évènement international prestigieux. En faisant don de 50 euros ou plus, ces donateurs feront partie du “Comité d’honneur”. Tous les membres du “Comité d’honneur” seront invités au cocktail d’inauguration, bénéficieront d’une place réservée lors de la finale et seront cités dans le programme officiel du tournoi.

Devenez membre du “Comité sportif” en faisant don d’un minimum de 20 euros et vous serez cités dans le programme officiel du tournoi.

Une autre alternative est de devenir membre de “l’équipe des supporters” en sponsorisant Junior Squash Luxembourg d’un montant de votre choix.

Pout tout renseignement, vous pouvez contacter Heather Halahan (621 319 122).

Les dons sont à payer en cash à Heather Halahan ou par virement sur le compte “Junior Squash Luxembourg” auprès de la BCEE IBAN LU98 0019 3455 8003 9000, en mentionnant “LJO 2011 et votre nom”.


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ENCC 2010 – Warsaw

The European Nation Challenge Cup took place in the marvellous "Kahuna" Club in Warsaw, Poland, from September 30th to October 2nd. The Luxembourg team, composed of Danny Hutchines, Daniel Kaiser, Stéphane Ayache and reserve player Marcel Kramer, coach Paul Tuffin and team manager Mark Gillies competed against 15 other "small" squash nations.

We ended up at a good 7th position out of sixteen. The event was eventually won by Serbia, the runner up was Ukraine. The 7th position is quite good, considering that we left the other nations participating in the "Mini-Olympics" next year in Liechtenstein behind us: Monaco (8th), Malta (9th) and Liechtenstein (11th) . 

The day by day reports, with the detailed results can be found here


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ENCC 2010 – Day 3 – playoff 7th – 8th place

Luxembourg – Monaco 2-1

Stéphane Ayache – Jérôme Gobert 3-0

Danny Hutchines – Christian Billard 0-3

Daniel Kaiser – Nicolas de Gaillan 2-11 11-4 11-4 11-7

The match of this tie surely was Daniel’s. In fact the two other matches were quickly done with, as Stéphane played solid rock squash, and dispatched Monaco’s number 3 easily.

Then Danny had to play against Christian: Danny looked more and more tired, didn’t find the right answers, and lost 3-0.

Daniel’s game was the decider: he came on court, ready for a big push, and fought really hard. After losing  the first game 11-2, he made his opponent work more and more, and Daniel found some amazing angles, finding the nick quite often. Best shot surely was game ball in the 3rd, which Daniel finished in stlye with an beautiful nick!

The last one was pretty close until 7 all, but then Daniel wrapped it up to win the match!

This means that we finish as 7th. This is a quite good results, especially considering this tournament as a preparation for the Mini-Olympics in Liechtenstein: in fact we finished ahead of Monaco, Malta and Liechtenstein!

At 5pm the final will be Ukrania against Serbia (the team that beat us in the quarterfinal). This will be a very interesting game, and we expect to see some excellent squash, as both the Ukranian and Serbian number ones are the best players here at this tournament!

The organization here was absolutely perfect, the food very good, and the facilities very nice! So a big compliment to the polish organizers for having this nice event!


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