Category: News
Prix individuels sur la saison 2011/2012
Tous les ans, la FSL honore 4 joueurs pour leurs performances durant la saison.
Most improved ranking position:
Arnaud Thielens (Arlon) qui est passé de D1+3 à C1-2, soit +23 pts de ranking !
Best match performance:
Oliver Johnson (C2+1 EIB) +5 points qui a battu Nha Nguyen (B1-4 Ettelbrück)
Most matches played:
Davy Barichello (Mont-Saint-Martin) avec 45 matchs joués pendant la saison.
Best junior player:
Arnaud Masset (Angels)
Félicitations à ces 4 joueurs qui recevront chacun un bon d’achat d’une valeur de 20 euros valable à la boutique de Top Squash.
Sandweiler Champion 2012 & Pétange Vainqueur de la Coupe de Luxembourg
Squash Open Konz
ESF Level 2 Coaching Course 2012
The next Level 2 Coaching course which will take place on 1-4 March in Prague, Czech Republic.
The closing date is 8 February.
European Club Championships 2012
L’édition 2012 du Championnat d’Europe des Clubs aura lieu à Prague (Tchéquie), du 6 au 8 septembre au “Sportnovi areal HAMR“.
La date limite d’inscription est le 8 juin 2012.
LJO – KPMG & AMS Luxembourg Junior Open
Luxembourg is proud to host the second Junior Squash Open sponsored by KPMG and AMS at the Top Squash club in Sandweiler from 20th – 22nd April 2012. The event is now an established annual tournament in the calendar of the European Squash Federation’s junior circuit.
Junior Squash: Communities Cup Sensation
November 20th, 2011, the Communities Cup was held at TopSquash.
With more than 30 juniors from all over Luxembourg competing in the tournament the “Cup” was deemed a huge success by everyone. From new-comers to more established players, titanic battles between players ensued across the board and resulted in a brilliant competition.
Eventual winners:
Boys Open: Arnaud Masset;
Girls Open: Samira Caruana
Championnat national individuel 2011
Cup 2011
Congratulation to Petange for winning the cup!